Natue of Light
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H20: Nature of Light> A ray of light is a flow of energy in the form of an electromagnetic wave. Electromagnetic waves are a special type of oscillation in the magnetic field and the electric field.
Light, Materials, Colour
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H21: Light, Materials and Colour> When we are viewing an object or a surface, it is the light reaching our eyes that conveys the appearance of the surface to us. The appearance is our interpretation of the characteristics of the light, characteristics that arise from the interactions of the light incident on the object with the material of the object.
Lamps and Colour
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H22: Lamps and Colour> Each type of light source provides a different distribution of power within the spectrum. For example, daylight has more power in the blue/green part of the spectrum than in the orange red whereas an incandescent lamp has the reverse, more power in the orange/red than in the blue/green wavelengths.
Types of Colorant
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H23: Types of Colorant> The most common mechanism of creating colour is the selective absorption of light wavelengths, occurring in most dyes or pigments used in creating surface colours. Examples of the use of light absorption in creating colour might be dyed fabrics, paint layers, pigmented plastics or printed card.
Properties of Colorants
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H24: Colorant Properties> The optical properties of pigments are introduced as well as the application properties. Transparency, tinting strength, light fastness, heat fastness and weathering properties. Chemical resistance and solvent fastness. 
Colorants for Printing
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H25: Colorants for Four Colour-Printing> By far the largest volumes of ink are used in three and four colour sets. Because large amounts are used annually, the cost of the inks and economy of use is a major consideration. A standard colour, high tinctorial strength and economy in use are vital characteristics for colorants that are suitable for process inks. 
QC Tests of Colorants
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H26: QC Tests for Colorants and Inks> Pigments are used in materials in the form of a dispersion of fine particles and the colour produced by the dispersed pigment depends on the distribution of sizes and shapes of the particles. It follows that the colouring properties of pigments are best tested in the same type of material in which they are to be used, the principle types being printing inks, paints and plastics.